“Beyond Us and Them” is a half-day forum with an emphasis on ideas and networking about diversity issues that can make or break the fabric of our communities.
When: Thursday, March 13, Noon - 5:30 PM
(includes half-hour networking time at end)
Where: Palo Alto Art Center, 1313 Newell Road, 94303
Cost: Free, includes lunch
For registration information, please email Elliot Margolies, Event Organizer.
Despite great strides over the years, there is still much work to be done in addressing intolerance. Whether your position is in law enforcement, business, education, or government, you will gain from a day with peers where we examine issues that too often are left off the table.
We know we can do better, but to do so requires that we acknowledge the problem and work together to make sure all of us feel welcome and secure in our communities.
What is it like to be perceived as a threat because of our religion or skin color in a post 9-11 environment? What are the everyday effects of racial bias in our community? Are recent immigrants in our towns feeling personally vulnerable—regardless of their legal status? What happens in the workplace to make talented gay and lesbian employees want to leave their jobs?
These few, interactive hours will be a launch pad for ongoing communication and action throughout key organizations and institutions in our community.
Not In Our Town is a national movement of civic leaders and community activists to address hate and bias in proactive, unifying ways. NIOT was launched by a series of PBS films that told the story of how people in towns across the country came together to respond to hate crimes.
“Not In Our Town Northern California: When Hate Happens Here,"a documentary co-production of KQED –TV and The Working Group, tells the story of five communities who took action when their neighbors became the victims of brutal acts of hatred.
The film has inspired frank and meaningful discussions in over seventy community screenings in Northern California. This will be the first screening for Silicon Valley community leaders. It will be followed by breakout sessions targeted for law enforcement, educators, corporate officials, communities of faith, civic and municipal leaders. Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your leadership endeavors and the vibrancy of your community.
Co-sponsored by The Silicon Valley Community Foundation; Santa Clara County Network for a Hate-Free Community; Palo Alto and Mountain View Human Relations Commissions; and the Palo Alto Art Center.
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