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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

New Models for Confronting Bullying and Harassment at School

How do bullying and harassment in schools affect the community as a whole? How can we teach young people not only to not participate in bullying and harassment, but to stand up against these things in constructive ways? What models have you seen, and how do they work?

1 comment:

Not In Our Town said...

Highlights from this breakout session:

1. We need initiatives, not just one-time events.

2. Offline & Cyber bullying
- Train teachers in dealing with bullying & harassment.
- Student connection programs.

3. Make these efforts a priority in schools
- Urge the superintendent to prioritize these efforts and to support teaching staff.
- Integrate diversity into the curriculum.
- Give staff time for activities and training.

4. All of us call the governor to say that the budget cuts for schools are unacceptable.
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
State Capitol Building
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 445-2841
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